N1mm logger plus stop cq when any key is pressed
N1mm logger plus stop cq when any key is pressed

n1mm logger plus stop cq when any key is pressed

You can also check out a set of instructional videos on the program here. No Just press the band button to QSY to the right QRG.


More info and download of N1MM Logger+ Update here. IC-7300: Split wasn’t being cleared when clicking on a non-split spot.When networked computer cannot be time-synced with master, display error only once.Network Status Window: Change labels on Options tab for clarity.Multiplier Window: In So2R, when clicking on a multiplier, do not program both radios to the same band.Entry Window: In SO2R, when pressing Alt+Shift+Q, do not place the other radio on the same band as the focus radio.Move Multipliers: In SO2R when right clicking on a spot, do not program the other radio to the same band as the focus radio.Call History Import: Correct a bug that prevented the contest name associated with the call history data to be detected if the line ended with several spaces.Change the focus with the spot if Available window, Focus Follows Spot is enabled. If the Available window spot is on the band of the non-focus radio, set the non-focus radio to the spot frequency. Alt+A: In SO2R do not allow both radios to be programmed to the same band.If you will be using only AFSK and PSK, it is not necessary to define 'Digital' ports on the N1MM 'Hardware' tab or FSK ports in Router. AFSK does not require a digital port for each radio. This configuration is based on using MMTTY in AFSK mode. In SO2R mode do not allow the radio to change bands. N1MM Logger supports the MMTTY Engine, MMVARI, 2-Tone and/or an external TNC for RTTY contesting.

n1mm logger plus stop cq when any key is pressed

Alt+Q: If pressed when at the CQ frequency, the radio will be programmed to the selected Available window spot or latest spot.The transmitting radio pulls the DSR pin low of the other computer(s) on the same band when it transmits. Used to to prevent two radios from transmitting on the same band when using a radio codec to send a wav file. Used with Network Status, Options tab, “Block my Tx only if other station transmitting on same band & mode” = Checked. MultiOp: Added a Foot Switch menu item, “First One Wins”.This eliminates the receiver noise in the recorded voice message. Unkey the radio when the message recording ends. Key the TX when starting voice message recording with Logger+ Audio. Runs: added names of all ops and repeated by computer name (Coded by N1MM).Max rates: added names of all ops (note that this is across computers) (Coded by N1MM).

n1mm logger plus stop cq when any key is pressed

He needed easy access to Sent Nr (GM3WUX) (Coded by N1MM) Of note is that the Accessibility Name for Received Nr is the Sent Nr nnn at Terry’s request.

  • Entry WindowConfig, Contact Edit, Contest Setup: adjusted tab order and provided accessibility info for blind hams.
  • QTC Window: In WEA RTTY when using MMVARI for the digital engine QTC was not being sent correctly.
  • Here are the changes included in this N1MM Logger+ Update: It should be, as it is easy to use and displays all the information the ham radio operator needs while operating a contest. N1MM Logger+ is “the world’s most popular ham radio contest logging program”.

    N1mm logger plus stop cq when any key is pressed